24. Work

The benefits of staying in the same job for life

  • Employees have a stable career with one employer
  • They have a good pension and health insurance
  • Their salaries gradually increase
  • They may be promoted within the organization
  • They demonstrate loyalty
  • Experienced staff can be trusted with more responsibility
  • They become part of a team
  • There is a clearly defined path for development

The benefits of not staying in the same job

  • People often change jobs in order to further their career
  • Another company may offer a promotion or a higher salary
  • People who change jobs can gain experience
  • They can learn different skills
  • Changing jobs is interesting and challenging
  • People can retrain in a different occupation
  • In a fast-changing world workers need to be flexible
  • People need to develop a range of experience and skills


  • Nowadays, it is easy to set up a company
  • The Internet provides a global marketplace
  • Self-employment offers greater freedom than working for a company
  • However, there are risks to starting a new business
  • Self-employed people may face financial difficulties
  • Many businesses fail to make a profit
  • There is less stability in self-employment
  • There are no benefits like pensions, sick pay and holiday pay
  • Self-employment involved hard work, long hours and total responsibility


  • Unemployment is a big problem for individuals, communities and society
  • Some people are unable to find a job
  • They may not have the sufficient level of education or qualifications
  • They may find themselves homeless
  • Unemployment causes frustration and stress
  • Jobless people may become involved in crime as a means to get money
  • The unemployed need careers advice
  • Governments need to provide vocational courses and retraining

Unemployment benefits: positives

  • Some governments pay unemployment benefits in order to help jobless people
  • Unemployed people need financial support until they find a new job
  • By claiming benefits they can continue to pay for their homes
  • The benefits system helps to reduce poverty, homelessness and crime

Unemployment benefits: negatives

  • Some people claim benefits rather than working
  • They become dependent on the government
  • They are not motivated to find a job
  • The benefits system is a burden on taxpayers
  • All citizens should work to earn a living and support themselves
  • Receiving benefits affects people’s self esteem

Work/Life Balance

  • It is important to achieve a balance between work time and leisure or family time
  • Too much work can result in stress and poor health
  • “workaholics” may neglect their families and friends
  • People need to take regular holidays
  • Companies should be expect employees to work overtime
  • Nowadays, many people work part-time or have flexible working hours
  • Technology allow people to work from home
  • Many companies provide childcare facilities
  • A good work/ life balance can raise job satisfaction
  • Happy, healthy workers are more productive

Technology and work

  • Internet, fax and mobile phone technologies have revolutionized working life
  • Workers can communicate via email, online networks and video conferencing
  • Technology can connect workers in different countries
  • It gives people more freedom
  • It can also save time and money
  • Some people believe that offices could disappear in the future
  • Virtual online offices may replace them

Child labour

  • In some countries, children are exploited
  • They do repetitive jobs for very low pay
  • Children are often used in agriculture and factory work
  • The employment of children is prohibited in other countries
  • Many people think that children should be free to enjoy their childhood
  • Governments should make education a priority
  • They should build new schools
  • They should supply the resources to educate children
  • Children need to be given the knowledge and skills for adult life


  • 只有一个雇主,雇员有一个稳定的职业
  • 他们有一个好的养老金和健康保险
  • 他们的薪水逐步上涨
  • 他们在公司内可能被升职
  • 他们展示了忠诚
  • 有经验的员工会被信任,承当更多的责任
  • 他们成为一个团队的一部分
  • 成长有一个清楚的定义的路径


  • 人们经常改变工作以便促进他们的职业
  • 另一个公司可能提供了晋升或一个更高的薪水
  • 那些改变工作的人们能获取经验
  • 改变工作是有趣的和有挑战性的
  • 人们能在一份不同的工作中压抑
  • 在一个快速变化的世界中员工需要灵活
  • 人们需要发展一系列的经验和技能


  • 如今,成立一个公司是简单的
  • 网络提供了一个全球的市场
  • 创业比为一个公司工作提供了更大的自由
  • 然而,开始一个新的商业具有风险
  • 创业的人们可能面临经济困难
  • 许多商业未能盈利
  • 创业有更少的稳定性
  • 没有想养老金、病假和假期这样的好处
  • 创业需要努力的工作,长时间和全部的责任
  • +之于个人,之于社会(促进社会创新,推动社会发展)


  • 对个人、社会和社会来说失业是一个大问题
  • 一些人未能找到一份工作
  • 他们或许没有足够的教育和资历水平
  • 他们发现他们自己无家可归
  • 失业导致动荡和压力
  • 无业之人可能卷进犯罪作为一种赚钱的手段
  • 失业的人需要职业建议
  • 政府需要提供职业课程和再训练


  • 一些政府支付失业救济以帮助那些没有工作的人们
  • 无业之人在他们找到一个新的工作之前需要经济援助
  • 通过领取救济他们可以继续为他们的家支付
  • 救济系统帮助减少贫穷,无家可归和犯罪


  • 一些人领取救济而不是工作
  • 他们变得依赖政府
  • 他们没有动力去找工作
  • 救济系统是一种纳税人的压力
  • 所有的城市居民应该工作去谋得生计并支持他们自己
  • 接收救济影响人们的自尊


  • 实现工作时间和休闲、家庭时间的平衡是重要的
  • 太多的工作能导致压力和差的健康
  • 工作狂可能忽略他们的家庭和朋友
  • 人们需要修规律的假期
  • 公司不应该期望员工超时工作
  • 如今,许多人兼职工作或者有一个灵活的工作时间
  • 技术允许人们在家工作
  • 许多公司提供育儿保健设施
  • 一个好的工作、生活平衡能增高工作满意度
  • 快乐的、健康的员工更加高产
  • +影响家人关系,影响孩子成长


  • 网络、传真和手机技术已经变革了工作生活
  • 员工可以通过邮件、线上网络和视频会议交流
  • 技术能连接不同国家的员工
  • 它给人们更多的自由
  • 它也能节省时间和金钱
  • 一些人相信办公室将在未来消失
  • 虚拟的线上办公室可能替代它们


  • 在一些国家,孩子被压榨
  • 它们做重复工作,拿非常低的薪水
  • 孩子们通常被用于农业和工厂工作
  • 在其它国家雇佣孩子是被禁止的
  • 许多人认为孩子应该自由享受他们的童年
  • 政府应该使教育优先
  • 他们应该建新的学校
  • 他们应该供给资源以教育孩子
  • 为了成人生活,孩子们需要被给予知识和技能

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)