23. Water

Importance of clean water

  • Water is as necessary natural resource
  • Humans need access to clean, safe drinking water in order to live
  • Poor water quality is a major cause of disease and death in some countries
  • Water usually needs to be treated before we can drink it
  • Developing countries often lack the means to treat and supply water to citizens
  • Developed countries tend to have much better sanitation
  • Citizens have access to clean tap water
  • Drinking water is not contaminated by sewage or waste water
  • The supply of clean water would improve public health in many developing countries

Water supply

  • Urban life would be impossible without water supply systems
  • These systems are massive engineering projects
  • Many professionals are involved in their planning, construction and maintenance
  • The supply and distribution of water are major concerns
  • Water is becoming scarce in some countries
  • Areas that suffer droughts often need to import water
  • As populations grow, there is more pressure on water supplies
  • This could lead to a water crisis

Water and politics

  • The supply of water is also an important political issue
  • Huge amount of water are needed for agriculture and industry
  • The irrigation of crops accounts for a large proportions of water use
  • A water crisis could lead to political conflicts or even wars

Argument: water should be free

  • Some people believe that water should be free for everyone
  • Governments should supply water to all homes at no cost
  • Private companies should not be allowed to profit from this natural resource
  • Money from taxes can be used to pay for water supply systems

Argument: water should not be free

  • If water is free, people take it for granted
  • They do not think about how much water they waste
  • They leave taps running while washing or brushing their teeth
  • If we have to pay for water, we will use it more responsibly
  • Water supply systems are extremely expensive
  • Investment is needed to maintain and improve them
  • Private companies may provide a better service than governments
  • If they provide an efficient service, they will make more money
  • They will repair leaks to avoid losing money

Bottled Water: Opinions

  • Some people carry bottles of water wherever they go
  • For example, they take bottles of water to work or to the gym
  • They believe that bottled water is healthier than tap water
  • They also argue that it tastes better
  • However, other people believe that we should consume less bottled water
  • Plastic water bottles add to litter and waste problems
  • Companies should not be able to make a profit from water
  • It is unethical to make money by selling packaged water
  • There is no difference in quality between bottled and tap water


  • 水是一种必要的自然资源
  • 人类为了生存需要接触到干净的、安全的饮用水
  • 在一些国家劣质的水质是导致疾病和死亡的一个重要原因
  • 在我们饮用之前水通常需要被处理
  • 发展中国家经常缺乏处理和供给城市居民水的工具
  • 发达国家倾向有更好的卫生
  • 城市居民接触到干净的自来水
  • 饮用水没有被污水和废水污染
  • 干净水的供给将提高很多发展中国家的公共健康


  • 没有供水系统城市生活将不可能
  • 这些系统是大规模工程项目
  • 许多专业人士参与到他们的计划、建造和维护
  • 水的供给和分配是主要顾虑
  • 在一些国家水正变得稀少
  • 饱受干旱的地区通常需要进口水
  • 随着人口增长,在水供给上将有更多的压力
  • 这会导致水危机


  • 供水也是一项重要的政治问题
  • 农业和工业需要大量的水
  • 农作物灌溉占据了很大比例的水使用
  • 一个水危机会导致政治冲突甚至战争


  • 一些人认为水对每个人都应该是免费的
  • 政府应该向所有家庭免费供水
  • 私人公司不应该被允许从自然资源中获利
  • 来自纳税的钱应该被用来支付供水系统


  • 如果水是免费的,人们认为这理所当然
  • 他们不会考虑他们浪费多少水
  • 他们在洗手或刷牙的时候让自来水流着
  • 如果我们必须支付水,我们将更加负责地使用它
  • 供水系统极其昂贵
  • 必须有投资去维持和提高它们
  • 私人公司或许能比政府提供更好的服务
  • 如果他们提供一个更高效的服务,他们将赚更多的钱
  • 他们将维修漏水以避免失去钱


  • 一些人不论他们在哪都会携带许多瓶装水
  • 比如,他们带瓶装水去工作或健身房
  • 他们认为瓶装水比自来水更健康
  • 他们也认为它更可口
  • 然而,其他人认为我们应该消费更少的瓶装水
  • 塑料水瓶子增加垃圾和废物问题
  • 公司不应该从水中获取利润
  • 通过销售包装水来赚钱是不道德的
  • 瓶装水和自来水在质量上没什么区别

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)