22. Transport
2 minute read
Traffic problems
- Traffic congestion is caused by commuters travelling to work
- Most people live in the suburbs outside city centre
- Commuters tend to travel at the same time of day
- They tend to travel alone
- Cars and road space are not used efficiently
- This causes traffic jams during the rush hour
Traffic solutions
- In order to reduce traffic we should change our working habits
- The internet can now be used to connect people
- More people could work from home
- Meetings can be held as video conferences
- Workers could be given flexible timetables
- Another solution would be to tax drivers
- Workers should share their cars and travel together
- In London, for example, there is a congestion charge
- This helps to raise money for better public transport
- Public transport needs to be reliable and efficient
Positives of Public transport
- We need to reduce our dependence on cars
- Parking a car can be extremely difficult in big cities
- Well-designed transport systems are comfortable and convenient
- Modern public transport can be fast and cheap
- Public transport can help to reduce pollution in cities
- Investment in buses and trains will ease traffic congestion
- Buses can be given special lands to avoid traffic
Negatives of public transport
- Public transport if often slow and unreliable
- Metro systems and trains are often dirty and crowded
- People feel like “sardines in a can”
- Cars are much more comfortable
Road safety
- Driving while tired or drunk is extremely dangerous
- Mobile phones can be a dangerous distraction for drivers
- They draw the driver’s attention away from the road
- The use of phones while driving has been banned in many countries
- Punishments are becoming stricter
- Television campaigns are used to remind people to drive safely
- Speed cameras have become more common
- Speed bumps are another form of traffic calming
- Many streets are designed with the aim of slowing traffic down
- 交通堵塞由通勤者去上班造成
- 大部分人生活在远离城市中心的郊区
- 通勤者倾向每天同样时间旅行
- 他们倾向单独旅行
- 汽车和道路空间没有被高效使用
- 这导致了在高峰期间的交通堵塞
- 为了减少交通我们应该改变我们的工作习惯
- 网络现在可以被用来连接人们
- 更多的人可以在家工作
- 会议可以是视频会议举办
- 员工可以被给与灵活的时间表
- 另一个解决途径将是向驾驶员征税
- 员工应该一起共享他们的汽车和旅行
- 在伦敦,比如,存在拥堵费
- 这为更好的公共交通帮助筹集资金
- 公共交通需要稳定和有效
- 我们需要减少我们对汽车的依赖
- 在大城市停车极其困难
- 好的设计的交通系统是舒适和方便的
- 现代公共交通可以是快速和便宜的
- 公共交通可以帮助减少城市中的污染
- 公共汽车和火车的投资将减轻交通堵塞
- 可以给公共汽车特殊的土地以避免交通
- +满足中低阶层人的需要
- 公共交通通常慢和不稳定
- 地铁系统和火车通常脏和拥挤的
- 人们感觉像是罐头里的沙丁鱼
- 汽车更舒服
- 疲劳驾驶或酒驾是极其危险的
- 移动手机对驾驶员来说可以是一个很危险的分心
- 他们吸引驾驶员的注意力离开道路
- 在很多国家一边驾驶一边使用手机已经被禁止
- 惩罚正变得更严格
- 电视运动正被用来提醒人们安全驾驶
- 高速摄影机已经变得更加常见
- 路面减速装置是另一种形式的车辆减速措施
- 许多街道的设计旨在减慢交通
Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)