19. Television, Internet, Phones

Positives of television

  • Watching television is a good way to relax
  • It is many people’s favorite way to wind down after a hard day at work
  • Television programs can be entertaining and enjoyable
  • Viewers have access to a huge variety of entertainment channels
  • Television brings the best comedians, musicians and actors into our homes
  • Programmers can also be informative and educational
  • News coverage makes the public aware of events around the world
  • Documentaries can make learning more interesting

Negatives of Television

  • Television is having a negative impact on society
  • Some people link violence on television with crime rates in the real world
  • Children copy the behavior they see on the screen
  • Children are less healthy because they spend less time palying
  • Advertisers direct their marketing at children
  • Most programs do not require much thought
  • Watching TV is a waste of time

Opinions about Television

  • Television has many benefits
  • However, it can be addictive
  • Children should play outside rather than sit in front of a screen all day
  • Behaviour shown on TV can influence people
  • Parents should choose carefully what their children watch
  • Children should not be exposed to violence, swearing or sexual images
  • Advertising during children’s programs should be strictly controlled
  • TV companies should make more positive, educational programs

Positives of the Internet

  • There are many advantages to using the Internet
  • It gives us instant access to information on almost any subject
  • Shops and other services are now available online
  • People can buy goods and services from the comfort of their homes
  • The Internet is starting to replace other forms of entertainment
  • It has revolutionized communication
  • We can keep in touch by email or instant messenger services
  • Video messaging is becoming common for business meetings

Negatives of the internet

  • Many websites contain offensive content
  • Some sites show violent or sexual images
  • Parents find it difficult to control what their children see online
  • They do not always know who their children are chatting to
  • With so many websites it is difficult to search for good information
  • Criminals increasingly use the Internet to steal people’s money

Internet compared to newspaper and books

  • Newspapers and books are now published online as well as in print
  • We can read the news in any language from any country in the world
  • It costs nothing to publish or access information on the Internet
  • The Internet allows anybody to publish their own writing
  • Newspaper articles and books are written by professionals
  • Professionals produce better quality writing than amateur
  • People still buy newspapers and books because they are portable
  • People do not like reading from a screen

Positives of Mobile Phones

  • The mobile phone is the most popular gadget in today’s world
  • Mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate
  • We can stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues wherever we are
  • Users can send text messages, surf the Internet, take photos and listen to music
  • Mobiles have also become fashion accessories

Negatives of Mobile Phones

  • Mobiles phones can be a problem in some public places
  • Ringing phones cause disturbance in cinemas and school lessons
  • Some people are not aware that others can hear their conversations
  • Mobile phones may also interfere with electronic equipment
  • Their waves could cause damage to our brains
  • Mobile phones can also be a dangerous distraction
  • Using a phone while driving reduces the driver’s concentration
  • Mobile phones are a popular target for thieves

Opinion about Mobile Phones

  • The benefits of mobile phones outweigh the drawbacks
  • We need to use these phones with care


  • 看电视是一种很好的放松的方法
  • 它是很多人在劳累工作一天后最喜欢的放松的方法
  • 电视节目可以是娱乐性的和享受性的
  • 观众可以解除很多娱乐频道
  • 电视将最好的喜剧人、音乐家和演员带入我们家
  • 电视节目也可以是通知性和教育性的
  • 新闻报道使公众感知全世界范围的事件
  • 纪录片可以使学习更加有趣
  • +纪录片->教育;喜剧->放松;新闻->给我们以谈资(good talking points)


  • 电视对社会正有消极的影响
  • 孩子们模仿他们在屏幕上看到的行为
  • 孩子们更加不健康因为他们花更少的时间在运动上
  • 广告商将他们的市场投向孩子(和广告章呼应)
  • 大多数节目不要求太多的思考
  • 看电视只是对时间的浪费
  • +小孩上瘾,影响学习;小孩近视;户外运动减少,肥胖等健康问题;电视上的不良节目对
  • 小孩影响大,应该被适当地规制;过度地审查会导致创新不足


  • 电视有很多好处
  • 然而,它可能会让人上瘾
  • 孩子们应该在外面玩而不是整天坐在屏幕前
  • 电视上展示的行为能影响人们
  • 父母应该仔细选择他们孩子观看的内容(对问题的对策呼应)
  • 孩子们不应该接触暴力、诅咒或者色情图片
  • 孩子节目中的广告应该被严格控制(对问题的对策呼应)
  • 电视公司应该制作更积极、更有教育意义的节目


  • 使用网络有很多好处
  • 它给我们关于几乎任意主题的及时接触
  • 商店和一些其它服务现在可在网上获取
  • 人们可以从他们舒服的家中购买产品和服务
  • 网络正开始替代其它形式的娱乐
  • 它已经变革了交流
  • 我们可以通过邮件或及时信息服务保持联系
  • 视频消息在商业会议中正变得越来越普遍


  • 许多网站包含暴力内容
  • 一些站点展示暴力或色情图片
  • 父母发觉很难控制他们孩子在网上看的东西
  • 有太多的网站以至于很难搜索到好的信息
  • 罪犯越来越使用网络偷盗人们的钱


  • 报纸和书如今网络出版也打印出版
  • 我们可以读到来自世界上任何国家任何语言的新闻
  • 发表或接触网络信息不花费任何
  • 网络允许任何人发表他们的写作
  • 报纸文章和书由专业人士写作
  • 专业人士生产比业余人士生产更好质量的写作
  • 人们仍然购买报纸和书因为他们易携带
  • 人们不喜欢从屏幕上阅读
  • +纸质书护眼呀,网络书便宜环保呀


  • 手机是当今世界最近受欢迎的小玩意
  • 手机已经变革了我们交流的方式
  • 不论我们在哪我们都可以和家人、朋友和同事保持联系
  • 使用者可以发送文本信息、上网冲浪、照相和听音乐
  • 手机已经成为时尚配饰


  • 在一些公共地方手机可能是个问题
  • 手机铃声导致在影院和学校课程的打扰
  • 一些人没有意识到其他人可以听到他们的对话
  • 它们的波动可以造成对我们大脑的损伤
  • 手机也可以是危险的分心
  • 一边驾驶一边使用手机减少了驾驶员的注意力
  • 手机是小偷们的喜欢的目标


  • 手机的好处超过了缺点
  • 我们需要小心地使用这些手机


Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)