17. Personality


  • Happiness means different things to different people
  • It can be described as a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment
  • People enjoy spending time with family and friends
  • Hobbies, sports and games can be a source of fun and enjoyment
  • Some people see money as a source of happiness
  • Other people define happiness as something deeper
  • In order to be truly happy it is necessary to live a good life
  • We need to feel that we are doing something useful with our lives
  • Some people get a sense of achievement from their work
  • Others find happiness in bringing up their children
  • Religion or a sense of purpose can also be a source of happiness


  • People define success in different ways
  • Some people get a sense of achievement from raising a family
  • For others, success is defined by wealth or status
  • We often think of rich and famous people as being successful in life
  • Millionaires like Bill Gates are considered to be successful
  • They have risen to the top in their chosen professions
  • For some, being successful means achieving personal or professional goals
  • They see success as the result of hard work
  • Success in any field requires long-term planning and effort

Nature or Nurture

  • Some people believe that our personalities are determined mainly by genetics
  • We inherit our abilities and talents from our parents
  • Others think that our education and upbringing are more important
  • We develop according to the influences around us
  • Our personalities and achievements depend more on nurture than nature
  • Many people argue that we control our own destinies
  • We can shape our own personalities
  • By working hard we can achieve and goal that we put our minds to
  • Many successful people are “self-made”
  • We are not limited by our genetic characteristic or upbringing


  • 对不同人而言快乐意味着不同的事情
  • 它可以被描述为一种愉悦或享受的感觉
  • 人们享受花时间和家人和朋友在一起
  • 爱好、运动和游戏可以是乐趣和享受的一个来源
  • 一些人将钱看作是快乐的一个来源
  • 其他人将快乐定义为某些深层事物
  • 为了真正快乐有必要过一种好的生活
  • 我们需要感觉我们正在做一些对我们生活有用的事情
  • 一些人从他们的工作中得到成就感
  • 其他人在抚养他们的孩子中寻找快乐
  • 宗教或目的感也可以是快乐的一种来源


  • 人们用不同的方式定义成功
  • 一些人从养活一个家庭中获得成就感
  • 对其他人,成功由财富和社会地位定义
  • 我们通常认为富裕和有名的人在生活上是成功的
  • 像比尔盖茨这样的百万富翁被认为是成功的
  • 他们已经上升到他们所选择职业的顶端
  • 对一些人,成功意味着实现个人或职业目标
  • 他们将成功看作是努力工作的结果
  • 在任何领域成功都要求长期规划和努力


  • 一些人认为我们的个性主要是由基因决定的
  • 我们从我们的父母那继承我们的能力和才能
  • 其他人认为我们的教育和抚养更加重要
  • 我们根据我们周围的影响成长
  • 我们的个性和成就更多取决于后天培养而不是天生
  • 许多人论述说我们控制我们自己的目的地
  • 我们可以塑造我们的性格
  • 通过努力工作我们可以实现我们想实现的目标
  • 许多成功的人都是自制的
  • 我们不被基因特征和抚养所限制

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)