13. Health


  • The human body requires a balanced diet
  • An unhealthy diet can cause various health problems
  • Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are on the increase
  • Many people nowadays rely on fast food or pre-prepared meals
  • These foods often contain too much fat, salt and sugar
  • They are cheap to buy and very easy to prepare
  • Many young people have grown up on a diet of convenience foods
  • Populations in developed countries are increasingly overweight


  • Regular exercise is essential in maintaining a healthy body
  • Exercise burns calories and helps to build healthy bones and muscles
  • Doctors advise exercising at least three times a week for 20 minutes
  • Most people nowadays lead a sedentary lifestyle
  • We tend to walk less and do desk jobs
  • Most adults relax by watching television
  • Children play video games rather than doing outdoor sports
  • In the past, people were more active in their jobs and at home

Government’s Role

  • Governments have a significant role to play in reducing obesity
  • More and more people, including young children are seriously overweight
  • They are at risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • This situation will increase the burden on hospitals and taxpayers
  • Hospitals rely on the government for money and resources
  • Governments should promote a healthy diet and regular exercise
  • There should be more time for sports on school timetables
  • Unhealthy junk food should be banned from school menus
  • People need information about what foods contain
  • Food packaging must show the food’s nutritional content
  • The British Government recommends eating five portions of fruit and vegetables per day

State Health system: advantages

  • Good healthcare should be available to everyone for free
  • State healthcare is paid by the government using money from taxes
  • Everyone has access to the same quality of care and treatment
  • Private healthcare is unfair because only wealthy people can afford it
  • The National Health Service in the UK provides free healthcare for every resident

Private Healthcare: advantages

  • State hospitals are often very large and difficult to run
  • Private hospitals have shorter waiting lists for operations and appointments
  • Patients can benefit from faster treatment
  • Many people prefer to pay for more a personal service
  • Patients have their own room and more comfortable facilities

Alternative medicine: Positives

  • People are increasingly using alternative medicines to treat illnesses.
  • For example, acupuncture can be used to treat backache
  • Herbal medicines can be used to treat allergies or viruses
  • Many patients report positive experiences with these treatments
  • Some traditional cures have been used for hundreds of years

Alternative medicine: Negatives

  • Many alternative medicines have not been tested scientifically
  • They may have no beneficial effect at all
  • They may cause unknown side effects
  • People should trust the opinions of qualified doctors
  • An illness could get worse without treatment from a doctor


  • Modern lifestyles are increasingly stressful
  • People work long hours with strict deadlines
  • Our busy lifestyles mean we have less time to relax
  • Unemployment is a major cause of stress
  • Children may be affected by their parents’ relationship problems
  • Tests and exams can also cause stress

How to reduce stress

  • Stress can be reduced by taking regular exercise and eating a healthy diet
  • It is also important to get sufficient sleep and make leisure time a priority
  • People should work less overtime and take regular holidays
  • Schools have started to employ psychologists
  • They can offer emotional support to students
  • They can help students to cope with exam stress


  • 人类身体要求一个平衡的日常饮食
  • 一个不健康的日常饮食会导致各种各样的健康问题
  • 肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病在上升
  • 如今许多人依赖快餐食品或者预先准备过的餐食
  • 这些食品通常包含太多的脂肪、盐和糖
  • 他们购买非常便宜并且准备非常简单
  • 许多年轻人是在方便食品日常饮食上成长的
  • 发达国家的人口正越来越过重


  • 有规律的运动是保持一个健康身体所必须的
  • 运动燃烧卡路里及帮助建立健康的骨骼和肌肉
  • 医生建议一周至少运动 3 次每次 20 分钟
  • 如今大多数人过着久坐的生活方式
  • 我们倾向更少走路和做办公室工作
  • 绝大多数成年人通过看电视来放松
  • 孩子玩电视游戏而不是做户外运动
  • 过去,人们在他们的工作和家更活跃


  • 政府在减少肥胖方面起一个重要的角色
  • 越来越多的人,包括年轻人严重超重
  • 他们面临心脏病和糖尿病的风险
  • 这个情形会加剧医院和纳税人的压力
  • 医院在钱和资源上依赖政府
  • 政府应该促进一个健康的日常饮食和规律的运动
  • 在学校课程表上应该有更多的时间给运动
  • 不健康的垃圾食品应该被从学校菜单中禁止
  • 人们需要食物中包含的东西的信息
  • 食品包装必须展示食品的营养物质
  • 英国政府推荐每天吃 5%的水果和蔬菜


  • 每个人都应免费享有好的卫生保健
  • 公立卫生保健由政府出资,政府使用纳税得到的钱
  • 每个人享有相同的照顾和对待
  • 私人卫生保健是不公平的因为只有富人付得起
  • 英国的国家健康服务为每位居民提供免费的卫生保健


  • 公立医院通常非常大和难以运营
  • 私立医院在手术和预约上有更短的排队清单
  • 患者可以得益于更快的治疗
  • 许多人愿意为了一个更个人化的服务付钱
  • 患者有他们自己的房间和更加舒服的设施
  • +是对公立医院的补充,满足不同层次人的需求


  • 人们越来越多地使用另类医疗来治疗疾病
  • 比如,针灸可以被用于治疗背痛
  • 草药可以被用于治疗过敏或病毒
  • 许多病人对这些治疗报告积极的体验
  • 一些传统的治疗被用了上千年


  • 很多另类医疗至今没有被科学证实
  • 他们或许没有任何好的作用
  • 他们或许导致未知的副作用
  • 人们应该信赖有资质的医生的观点
  • 一个疾病在没有一个医生的治疗下会变糟糕


  • 现代生活方式越来越有压力的
  • 人们在严格的死线下长时间工作
  • 我们忙碌的生活方式意味着我们有更少的时间去放松
  • 失业是压力的一个主要原因
  • 孩子们可能被他们父母关系问题所影响
  • 测试和考试也会导致压力
  • +父母的压力->对孩子关注的减少->孩子的问题(学校的和青少年犯罪的)


  • 压力可以通过做规律的运动和吃健康的日常饮食来减少
  • 获得足够的睡眠和将休闲时间作为优先也很重要
  • 人们应该更少超时工作和修规律的假期
  • 学校开始雇佣心理学家
  • 他们可以为学生提供情感支持
  • 他们可以帮助学生处理考试压力

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)