12. Guns and Weapons

Why guns should be legal:

  • In some countries, people are allowed to own firearms
  • Individuals have the right to protect themselves
  • People can use guns in self defence
  • This deters criminals

Why gun ownership should be illegal:

  • There is a risk of accidents with guns
  • The number of violent crimes increases when guns are available
  • Criminals may be armed
  • The police then need to use guns
  • Suicide rates have been shown to rise when guns are available
  • Guns create violent societies with high murder rates

Why polices should use guns

  • Many criminals use weapons
  • The threat of a gun can deter criminals
  • Police officers can forces a criminal to surrender
  • It is easier to arrest someone and avoid physical violence
  • The police may shoot violent criminals in self defence
  • They can protect the public
  • They can shoot an escaping criminal who poses a serious danger to the public

Why police should not carry guns

  • There is a risk of accidents and mistakes
  • The police might shoot an unarmed criminal or an innocent person
  • Accidents can happen in public places
  • There are several alternatives to guns (e.g tear gas, sprays and electric shock weapons)
  • Only special police units should use guns

Arm Trade: Positives

  • The export of arms, or weapons, is an extremely controversial issue
  • Governments of rich, industrialized countries sell arms to each other
  • This industry creates jobs and wealth
  • The trade of weapons may improve relationships between governments

Arms Trade: Negatives

  • Weapons may be used in conflicts and wars
  • The supply of arms could be responsible for deaths
  • Governments are promoting war in order to make a profit
  • Rich countries can influence the politics of other nations

Nuclear weapons

  • Nuclear weapons are capable of destroying whole cities
  • A nuclear war between two countries would destroy both countries
  • Nuclear weapons are used as a deterrent
  • They prevent wars from starting

Nuclear weapons: Opinion

  • Nuclear weapons should be prohibited
  • Governments should limit the production of nuclear weapons
  • There is a danger of nuclear weapons being obtained by terrorists
  • Nuclear weapons cannot be used against terrorist organizations

Armed Forces: Positives

  • Armed forces provide security and protection
  • They deter military attack by another country
  • They can also be sued to maintain peace within countries
  • They can be sued to give the police extra support
  • Soldiers are also used to help in emergency situations, such as after a natural disaster

Armed forces: negatives

  • Armies require a lot of funding from governments
  • Too much money is spent on weapons and military technology
  • This money could be spent on schools, hospitals and other public services


  • 在一些国家,人们被允许持有火器
  • 个人有权利保护自己
  • 人们可以在自卫中使用枪
  • 这阻止了罪犯


  • 持枪会有事故的风险
  • 当枪可获取时暴力犯罪的数量上升了
  • 罪犯或许被武装
  • 然后警察也需要使用枪
  • 当枪可获取时自杀率显示上升
  • 枪营造了有着高谋杀率的暴力社会


  • 许多罪犯使用武器
  • 枪的震慑可以阻止罪犯
  • 警察官员可以迫使罪犯投降
  • 逮捕某人并避免物理暴力变得简单
  • 警察在自卫中或许射击罪犯
  • 他们可以保护公众
  • 他们可以射击一个对公众产生严重威胁的在逃罪犯


  • 有事故和错误的风险
  • 警察可能射击一个没有武装的罪犯或者一个无辜的人
  • 在公共地方可能发生事故
  • 有很多可以替代枪的选择(如催泪瓦斯、喷雾和电击)
  • 只有特殊的警察单位应该使用枪


  • 武器或者武器的输出是一项极具争议的问题
  • 富裕、工业化国家的政府相互销售武器
  • 这个行业创造了工作和财富
  • 武器贸易或许提升政府间关系


  • 武器可能用于冲突和战争中
  • 武器的提供能对死亡负责
  • 政府为了逐利正在促进战争
  • 富国能影响他国的政治


  • 核武器有能力摧毁一整座城市
  • 两个国家间的核战会摧毁这两个国家
  • 核武器被用作威慑
  • 他们从一开始阻止了战争


  • 核武器应该被禁止
  • 政府应该限制核武器的生产
  • 存在恐怖分子获得核武器的危险
  • 核武器不能被用于抗击恐怖组织


  • 武装部队提供安全和保护
  • 他们阻止来自其它国家的军事威胁
  • 他们也可以被用于维持国内的和平
  • 他们能被用于给警察额外的支持
  • 军人也被用于帮助突发情况,比如一次自然灾害之后


  • 军队要求政府很多的资金
  • 太多的钱被花在武器和军事技术
  • 这钱可以被花在学校、医院和其它公共服务

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)