11. Government and Society

What governments can do

  • Governments provide public services like healthcare and education
  • They support people who are living in poverty or unable to work
  • Governments raise money by taxing working people
  • They can spend money on resources and campaigns
  • They can introduce new laws
  • They can impose taxes
  • They can raise people’s awareness of issues (e.g climate change/healthy eating)
  • They can influence people’s habits and opinions
  • They can create jobs
  • They can regulate the activities of companies such as banks
  • They can provide resources for schools
  • They are also responsible for the security and well-being of their citizens
  • They control armed forces and police forces

Public services

  • Governments pay the salaries of public sector workers like police officers and teachers
  • The necessary money is raised by taxing people’s income
  • Free education and healthcare may be provided by the state
  • Some governments control public transport systems and even TV channels
  • In other countries, these services are provided by private companies
  • Some people believe that competition between private companies is good
  • It helps to improve quality while bringing prices down
  • Other people think that essential services should be free
  • Governments should pay for them

Censorship: Opinion

  • Governments can censor what public sees or reads in the media
  • To a certain extent censorship is necessary
  • We should use censorship to protect children from violent images
  • Some computer games involve killing people or committing crimes
  • The Internet also needs to be controlled
  • Many websites show pornography and violence
  • There should be age limits for websites and computers games
  • Parents need to take responsibility for checking what their children watch
  • It is impossible for governments to control everything we see

Video cameras in public places

  • The use of CCTV is becoming widespread
  • Video cameras have been installed in many public places
  • They are supposed to protect us and deter criminals
  • Many people think that this surveillance violates our privacy
  • The authorities could build databases with our pictures and identities
  • We should not be treated like criminals

Smart cards: Positives

  • Governments will probably introduce a digital identification card system
  • Smart cards will have benefits and drawbacks
  • They could help to reduce crime
  • They could hold personal information, such as DNA
  • Digital bank cards could contain fingerprint information
  • It would be very difficult for criminals to use a stolen card
  • It would be easier for police to identify people and catch criminals

Smart cards: Negatives

  • Many people are worried about losing their privacy
  • Governments could store all our personal and medical information
  • This information could be used by insurance companies
  • Employers could check our health records

People with Disabilities

  • People with disabilities should be treated the same as everybody else
  • They should have the same rights as other people
  • They should have access to the same jobs as other citizens
  • Discriminations against disabled people is illegal in many countries
  • Ramps and lifts for wheelchairs should be installed in public buildings
  • Support teacher can be employed to help children with learning difficulties


  • 政府提供公共服务如卫生保健和教育
  • 他们支持哪些生活在贫穷和无法工作的人们
  • 政府通过向工作的人征税筹集金钱
  • 他们可以花钱在资源和运动上
  • 他们可以引进新的法律
  • 他们可以征税
  • 他们可以提高人们对问题的意识(如气候变化、健康饮食)
  • 他们可以影响人们的习惯和观念
  • 他们可以创造工作
  • 他们可以规范像银行这样公司的活动
  • 他们可以给学校提供资源
  • 他们也对他们城市居民的安全和福利负有责任
  • 他们控制军队力量和政治力量


  • 政府给公共部门员工如警察官员和教师付薪水
  • 必要的钱通过向人们的薪水征税筹集
  • 免费教育和卫生保健或许由州提供
  • 一些政府控制公共交通系统甚至电视频道
  • 在其它国家,这些服务通常由私人公司提供
  • 一些人认为私人公司之间的竞争是好的
  • 它帮助提高质量同时降低价格
  • 其他人认为必要的服务应该是免费的
  • 政府应该付给他们薪水


  • 政府可以审查公众在媒体上所看和所读到的
  • 在一定程度上审查是必须的
  • 我们应该使用审查制度来保护孩子远离暴力图片
  • 一些电脑游戏涉及杀人和犯罪
  • 网络也需要被控制
  • 许多网站展示色情和暴力
  • 对于网站和电脑游戏应该有年龄限制
  • 父母需要负责检查他们孩子观看的内容
  • 政府不可能控制我们看的所有东西
  • +审查可能阻止艺术创新


  • CCTV 的使用正在变得广泛
  • 摄影机被安装在很多公共区域
  • 它们应该保护我们和阻止罪犯
  • 许多人认为这种监听侵犯了我们的隐私
  • 机构用我们的图像和身份证可以构建数据库
  • 我们不应该被像罪犯一样对待


  • 政府很有可能会引入一种数字身份证卡系统
  • 智能卡会有好处和缺点
  • 他们可以帮助减少犯罪
  • 他们可以保存个人信息,如 DNA
  • 数字银行卡可以保存指纹信息
  • 对罪犯来说会很难使用一张偷来的卡
  • 对警察来说识别人们和抓捕罪犯会更加容易
  • +make our life easier and more convenient


  • 许多人担心失去他们的隐私
  • 政府可以储存我们所有的个人的医疗信息
  • 这信息可以被保险公司使用
  • 雇主可以检查我们的健康记录


  • 残疾人应该被其它所有人一样对待
  • 他们应该有像其他人一样的权利
  • 他们应该像其它城市居民有一样的工作机会
  • 在许多国家歧视残疾人是非法的
  • 轮椅坡道和电梯应该被安装在公共建筑
  • 支持老师可以被雇佣去帮助那些学习困难的孩子

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)