10. Global issues

Problems in developing countries

  • Developing countries face a range if problems
  • Standards of healthcare and education are low
  • Life expectancy is usually lower than in developed countries
  • There is a lack of infrastructure, employment and good quality housing
  • Many people are forced to live in poverty
  • Food, drinking water and basic medicines are in short supply

How to help developing countries

  • The best form of help for developing countries is development aid
  • Richer nations can help by investing in long-term projects
  • Governments and charities can help by building new houses and schools
  • Globalization may also help developing countries
  • Multi-national companies can creating jobs in developing countries
  • On the other hand, many people emigrate to find work in richer countries
  • They often sand money back home to their families
  • This money helps to improve the standard of living in developing countries


  • Some people move to another countries in search of a better life
  • Many immigrants come from less developed countries
  • Richer, industrialized countries may offer opportunities for employment
  • Free healthcare and schooling are available in some developed countries
  • Other people migrate to a foreign country to improve their academic qualifications

Positives of immigration and Multi-cultural societies

  • From an economic perspective, immigration can be extremely positive
  • Many immigrants have skills that are needed in the country they move to
  • Immigrants who find work contribute to the economy of their new country
  • Many immigrants send money home to help family members
  • Immigration also creates cultural diversity
  • People of many different nationalities learn to live together
  • This can help people to become more open-minded and tolerant

Negatives of Immigration

  • Some people believe that immigrants take jobs that should go to local people
  • Some immigrant workers work longer hours for less money
  • Companies might pay lower salaries to immigrant workers
  • Unemployment rates could rise if there are too many immigrants

Opinions about Immigration

  • Immigration can help the economy of a country
  • It can create multi-cultural societies
  • However, immigration needs to be controlled
  • In many countries, immigrants need visas or work permit
  • Governments should stop companies from exploiting immigrant workers
  • Foreign and local workers should have the right to equal pay and conditions

Positives of Globalization

  • Business of becoming increasingly international
  • Multi-national companies do business across the world
  • Companies like MacDonald’s can be seen on high streets in most cities
  • Goods are produced in one country and sold in many others
  • A global economy means free trade between countries
  • This can strengthen political relationships
  • Globalization can also create opportunities for employment
  • It encourages investment in less developed countries
  • It could reduce poverty in the developing world

Negatives of Globalization

  • Globalization is not always beneficial to everyone
  • Companies can move to countries where labour is cheap
  • This creates redundancies, or job losses
  • Employees cannot be confident that they have stable jobs
  • Companies sometimes exploit their employees in developing countries
  • Global trade creates more waste and pollution

The future of Globalization

  • There should be global regulations for salaries and working conditions
  • Governments should impose laws to protect the environment


  • 发展中国家面临一系列问题
  • 卫生保健和教育标准低
  • 预期寿命通常比发达国家低
  • 缺乏基础设施、就业和质量好的住房
  • 许多人被迫生活在贫穷之中
  • 食品、饮用水和基本药物短缺


  • 对发展中国家最好的帮助形式是发展援助
  • 发达国家可以通过投资长期项目来帮助
  • 政府和慈善机构可以通过建新的房子和学校来帮助
  • 全球化也可能帮助发展中国家
  • 跨国公司可以在发展中国家创造工作
  • 另一方面,许多人移民到富裕国家以找到工作
  • 他们经常将钱发回至他们的家庭
  • 这钱帮助提高发展中国家的生活水平


  • 一些人移居到其他国家为了寻求更好的生活
  • 许多移民来自欠发达国家
  • 更富裕的、工业化的国家或许能提供就业机会
  • 免费的儿童保育和教育在一些发达国家可以获得
  • 其他人移居到外国是为了提高他们的学术资历


  • 从经济的角度看,移民可以是非常积极的
  • 许多移民者具备他要移民国家需要的技能
  • 找到工作的移民者对他们新移民国家的经济有贡献
  • 许多移民者送钱回家以帮助家庭成员
  • 移民也营造了文化多样性
  • 许多不同国籍的人们学会一起生活
  • 这可以帮助人们变得更加思想开明和宽容


  • 一些人认为移民者夺走了那本属于当地人的工作
  • 一些移民员工工作更长时间却只赚到更少的钱
  • 公司付给移民员工更少的薪水
  • 如果有更多的移民者失业率会上升
  • +移民分析(对移入和移出地分别分析,移入:建设城市、治安问题、就业压力;移出:人
  • 才流失、贴补家用)


  • 移民可以帮助一国之经济
  • 它可以营造多元文化社会
  • 然而,移民需要被控制
  • 在很多国家,移民需要签证或者工作许可
  • 政府应该阻止公司压榨移民员工
  • 外国和本地员工应该享有同等的薪水和条件的权利


  • 商业正变得越来越国际化
  • 跨国公司在全球做生意
  • 像麦当劳这样的公司在很多城市的大街上随处可见
  • 产品在已过生产在很多国销售
  • 全球经济意味着国家与国家之间的免费贸易
  • 这可以加强政治关系
  • 全球化也可以创造就业机会
  • 它鼓励在欠发达国家投资
  • 它可以减缓发展中国家的贫困
  • +文化交流、科学技术交流


  • 全球化并不总是对每一个人有益
  • 公司可以搬迁到有廉价劳动力的国家
  • 这导致裁员或工作丢失
  • 雇员不能自信他们会有稳定的工作
  • 公司有时会压榨来自发展中国家的员工
  • 全球贸易产生更多的废物和污染


  • 应该有对薪水和工作条件的全球管理
  • 政府应该颁布法律来保护环境

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)