7. Family

Family size

  • Families in many countries are not as large as they used to be
  • We tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families
  • Parents tend to have fewer children
  • Young children are no longer expected to work
  • Nowadays both parents often work
  • It costs so much to bring children up
  • It is more difficult to raise a large family

Working parents (also see “gender” topic)

  • Children and their parents seem to be less close nowadays
  • Parents spend less time with their children
  • Women traditionally stayed at home to cook, clean and look after children
  • Nowadays both parents often work full time
  • Children may be left alone, or with nannies or babysitters
  • Busy parents have less contact with their children
  • Many families no longer eat meals together
  • Children spend more time with friends or surfing the Internet

Negative effects on Children

  • The lack of closeness in families can have a negative effect on children
  • Many parents have no idea how their children spend their time
  • Friends, television and the Internet become the main influence on children’s behavior
  • Teenagers are influenced by peer pressure
  • Some of them join gangs
  • Juvenile delinquency is on the increase
  • Parents should be more involved with their children’s upbringing
  • Young people need positive role models


  • In the past, divorce was unacceptable
  • It was considered to be embarrassing for a family
  • People stayed together for religious or family reasons
  • Divorce is more socially acceptable nowadays
  • It has become much more common
  • Divorce can be extremely stressful
  • Lone parents may face financial difficulties
  • Many single parents have to rely on benefits paid by the state
  • Divorce can have a negative effect on children
  • Children from single-parent families are more likely to get lower grades or drop out of school.
  • The rise in divorce rates may be connected to some social problems

Care for Old people

  • Caring for elderly people was traditionally the responsibility of families
  • Adults had to look after their elderly parents
  • A woman’s job was to stay at home taking care of her family
  • Nowadays, fewer elderly people are looked after by their relatives
  • Residential homes provide care for large number of elderly people
  • Some families are unable to look after elderly relatives
  • Families tend to be smaller these days, and women often have full-time jobs
  • Cares homes provide a professional service for senior citizens
  • Nurses are better trained than family members

Care for Old people: Opinion

  • The best form of care for the elderly depends on the family situation
  • It depends on whether family members have the time resources
  • We all have a responsibility towards the older people in our society
  • Governments should invest money in facilities and training for care workers.


  • 在很多国家,家庭不再像以前那么大
  • 我们倾向注意一个小的核心家庭而非大的扩大家庭
  • 父母倾向要更少的孩子
  • 年轻孩子不再期待去工作
  • 如今父母都经常工作
  • 把孩子养大成人花费很多
  • 养一个大家庭更加困难


  • 如今孩子和他们的父母似乎不再那么亲密
  • 父母花更少的时间在他们的孩子身上
  • 女人传统待在家做饭、打扫和照看孩子
  • 如今父母都经常全职工作
  • 孩子们或许会被孤立,或者和保姆和幼儿照看者待在一起
  • 忙碌的父母和他们的孩子接触变少
  • 许多家庭不再一块吃饭
  • 孩子们花更多的时间和朋友们待在一起或者上网


  • 家庭亲密的缺失会对孩子产生一个消极的影响
  • 许多父母不知道他们的孩子怎么度过他们的时间
  • 朋友、电视和网络成为孩子们行为的主要影响因素
  • 青少年被同龄压力影响
  • 他们中的一些加入枪击
  • 青少年犯罪正在上升
  • 父母应该更加参与到孩子的抚养中
  • 年轻人需要积极的角色榜样


  • 过去,离婚是不被接受的
  • 对家庭来说这被认为是蒙羞的
  • 因为宗教和家庭的原因人们聚集在一起
  • 如今离婚更加被社会接受
  • 它变得越来越普遍
  • 离婚可以是十分有压力的
  • 单独的父母或许面对经济困难
  • 许多单亲父母不得不依赖州提供的救济(benefits)
  • 离婚会对孩子产生一个消极的影响
  • 来自单亲家庭的孩子更容易取得低分或者辍学
  • 离婚率的上升和一些社会问题相联系


  • 传统上照顾老人被认为是家庭的责任
  • 成年人必须照顾他们老了的父母
  • 一个女人的工作就是待在家照顾她的家庭
  • 如今,更少的老人是由他们的亲属照顾
  • 住宅给大多数老人提供了照料
  • 一些家庭不能够照料他们老了的亲属
  • 如今家庭正变得越来越小,女人经常有全职工作
  • Cares homes 给年长的城市居民提供了专业的服务
  • 保育员比家庭成员更好地得到训练


  • 对老人最佳的关怀方式取决于家庭情况
  • 它取决于家庭成员是否有时间资源
  • 在我们的社会我们都有对老人的责任
  • 政府应该投资金钱在设施和培训护理员工上

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)