6. Environment

Global warming

  • Gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat from the sun
  • This causes global temperatures to rise
  • This process is known as the greenhouse effect
  • Human activity is a major factor in the rise of the greenhouse gases
  • Factories and vehicles produce emissions and exhaust fumes
  • Many developing countries are becoming industrialized
  • The number of cars on our streets is growing
  • Cheap air travel is allowing more people to fly

Effects of Global Warming

  • Global warming will have a significant impact on our planet
  • Rising temperature will cause melting of the polar ice caps
  • Sea levels will rise
  • We can expect more extreme weather conditions
  • Flooding and droughts may become more common

Impacts of humans on the environment

  • The increasing world population is putting pressure on natural resources
  • Fossil fuels like oil and gas are running out
  • We are destroying wildlife habitats
  • We have cut down enormous areas of rainforest
  • This has led to the extinction of many species of animals and plants

Solutions to environment problems

  • Governments could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories
  • They should invest in renewable energy from solar, wind or water power
  • They could impose “green taxes” on drivers and airlines companies
  • Government campaigns should promote recycling
  • Natural areas and wild animals should be protected
  • Individuals should also try to be greener
  • We should take fewer flights abroad for holidays
  • We should take public transport rather than driving
  • We should choose products with less packaging
  • We should recycle as much as possible


  • The amount of waster we produce has increased
  • This problem is a result of our consumer culture
  • Products are not made to last
  • If something breaks, we throw it way and buy a new one
  • Advertisers encourage is to buy the newest fashions
  • Packaging is an important part of selling
  • Most foods are sold in non-biodegradable plastics packaging
  • The amount of household waste is growing
  • This waste ends up in landfill sites


  • People do not think about the consequences of dropping rubbish
  • They assume that somebody is pad to clean the streest
  • Plastic packaging does not break down easily
  • Most of the litter seen on streets is fast food packaging

Recycling and other solutions

  • Companies should make goods that last longer
  • They should not use so much packaging
  • Governments should be stricter, about waster produced by companies
  • They should put legal limits on packaging
  • Consumers should avoid buying over-packaged products
  • We should recycle and reuse useful materials.
  • There are collection banks for glass, paper and plastic bottles
  • Households can use several rubbish bins to separate waste
  • Recycling saves energy and raw materials.

Nuclear Power: Positives

  • There are several benefits to build more nuclear power stations
  • Fossil fuel like oil and gas are running out
  • Nuclear power is a sustainable energy source
  • It can be used to produce electricity without wasting natural resources
  • It could be replace the use of natural resources like coal, oil or gas
  • Nuclear power stations are cleaner than fossil fuel power stations
  • They could help to reduce carbon emissions that cause global warming
  • The risks of accidents are being reduced

Nuclear Power: negatives

  • Opponents of nuclear power worry about the safety of power stations
  • The building of new nuclear power stations is unpopular
  • Nobody wants to live near one
  • Nuclear waste disposal is a significant problem
  • There is currently no way to decontaminate radioactive material
  • People worry that terrorists could steal radioactive materials
  • It is safer to produce energy from solar, wind or water power.


  • 是诸如二氧化碳困住了来自太阳的热的情形
  • 这导致全球温度上升
  • 这个过程就是著名的温室效应
  • 人类活动是温室气体上升的一个主要影响因素
  • 工厂和汽车产生排放和废气
  • 许多发展中国家正变得工业化的
  • 街上的汽车数量在增加
  • 廉价的航空旅行正允许更多的人飞行


  • 全球变化将对我们的星球产生一个显著的影响
  • 上升的温度将导致极地冰盖的融化
  • 海平面将上升
  • 我们能预期更多的极端天气条件
  • 洪水和干旱将变得更加普遍


  • 不断增加的世界人口正在给自然资源施加压力
  • 像石油和汽油的化石燃料即将用完
  • 我们正在破坏野生生物栖息地
  • 我们已经砍伐了大面积热带雨林
  • 这已经导致了许多动物和植物物种的灭绝


  • 政府可以颁布法律来限制工厂的排放
  • 他们应该投资来自太阳、风和水能的新能源
  • 他们可以对司机和航空公司征收环保税
  • 政府运动应该促进回收
  • 自然区域和野生动物应该被保护
  • 个人也应该努力变得更环保
  • 假期时我们应该乘坐更少的飞机去国外
  • 我们应该乘坐公共交通而不是开车
  • 我们应该选择更少包装的产品
  • 我们应该尽可能地回收


  • 我们产生的废物的数量已经增加
  • 这个问题是我们消费者文化的结果
  • 产品没有被制作的持续
  • 如果一些东西损坏了,我们就丢弃它并买个新的
  • 广告商鼓励买最新的时髦产品
  • 包装是销售很重的一部分
  • 很多食品被不能被生物降解的塑料包装销售
  • 家庭垃圾数量在上涨
  • 这些垃圾最终到垃圾填埋点


  • 人们不思考丢弃垃圾的后果
  • 他们觉得一些人被付钱清扫大街
  • 塑料包装降解不易
  • 大街上随处可见的垃圾是快餐食品包装


  • 公司应该使得产品更加持续
  • 他们不应该使用过多地包装
  • 政府对公司产生的废物应该更加严格
  • 他们应该对包装实施合理的限制
  • 消费者应该避免购买过度包装的产品
  • 我们应该回收和再利用有用的材料
  • 有玻璃、纸张和塑料瓶的回收池
  • 家庭可以使用好几个垃圾箱来分开废物
  • 回收节省能源和原材料


  • 建立更多的核能发电站有一些好处
  • 化石能源像石油和汽油正在被用完
  • 核能是一种可持续的能量来源
  • 它可以被用于发电并且不污染自然资源
  • 它可以替代自然资源的使用,如煤、石油和汽油
  • 核电站比化石能源电站更清洁
  • 它们可以帮助减少造成全球变暖的碳排放
  • 事故风险正在被减少


  • 反对核能的人担心核电站的安全
  • 建立新的核电站的是不受欢迎的
  • 没有人想住在离核电站近的地方
  • 核废料是一个严重的问题
  • 目前还没有办法净化放射性材料
  • 人们担心恐怖主义者偷盗放射性材料
  • 从太阳、风和水能发电更加安全

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)