5. Education

Benefits of education

  • Education gives people knowledge and skills
  • People with qualification are more likely to find work
  • They can earn a higher salary
  • They can contribute positively to society
  • Schools aim to teach young people moral values such as tolerance and sharing
  • Schools prepare children to be members of a society

Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Foreign institutions may offer better courses
  • Many students want to attend a prestigious university
  • The best universities employ teachers who are experts in their fields
  • Qualifications gained abroad can open the door to better job opportunities
  • Living abroad can broaden students’ horizons
  • Overseas students are exposed to different cultures and customs.
  • They become more independent
  • They are responsible for cooking, cleaning and paying bills
  • They will learn a foreign language

Drawback of studying abroad

  • Living and studying abroad can be difficult
  • Students have problems with paperwork such as visa applications
  • The language barrier can be a problem
  • Students have to find accommodation and pay bills
  • Studying in a foreign language is challenging
  • Living alone in an unfamiliar culture can cause homesickness

Technology in Education: Advantages

  • Technology is a powerful tool to engage students
  • Technology can make lessons much more interesting
  • Students can do research using online resources
  • Students can study at their own place
  • Adults can take distance learning courses
  • Students can study whenever and wherever they want
  • Students also learn skills which are useful for their future jobs
  • For example, they learn to write reports using a word processor

Technology in Education: Disadvantages

  • People rely too much on computers
  • Young learners do not become proficient in some basic skills
  • They use word processors and spelling may suffer
  • People should be able to write a letter by hand
  • Technology is no substitute for a real teacher
  • Learners need a structured course
  • An experienced teacher knows what materials to choose
  • Computers are expensive to maintain and can be unreliable

Technology in Education: Opinion

  • Institutions should supplement traditional teaching with the use of technology
  • Technology is part of everyday life
  • It can enhance a teacher’s lessons
  • Students can use online resources to help with homework
  • Students must still learn to write by hand
  • They should still use traditional sources of information such as books

Education in Developing countries: Problems

  • Children often have to work from an early age There are no schools in many areas
  • Families do not have access to books or computers Literacy rates are often low
  • People in developing countries need knowledge and skills Education is the key to improving the economy of these countries

Education in developing countries: solutions

  • Developed countries could help developing nations by providing money
  • They could invest in schools and technology
  • They could supply the funds to build schools and pay for teachers
  • Children need to have access to free schooling
  • Computer equipment could be donated
  • The Internet can expose students to a world of knowledge and information
  • Governments should make education compulsory for all children
  • They should encourage parents to send their children to school
  • Governments of developed and developing countries must work together

Higher education: Advantages (also see “benefits of education”)

  • There are many benefits to going to university
  • A degree can open the door to better employment prospects
  • Economies are becoming increasingly knowledge-based
  • Most jobs require specific knowledge and skills
  • Skilled workers are needed for sectors such as information technology and engineering
  • Repetitive manual jobs are now done by machine
  • Many factories have moved to developing countries

Higher education: Disadvantages

  • A healthy economy needs a wide range of workers
  • Some manual workers will always be needed
  • A university degree is not necessary for many service professions
  • Practical training is more important in some industries
  • In the UK, for example, there is currently a shortage of plumbers
  • Their services are therefore becoming more and more expensive

Advantage of Home-schooling

  • Some parents decide to educate their children at home
  • Some families live in isolated areas with poor transport
  • Other parents are not satisfied with local schools
  • Parents can respond to what their children need and how they learn best
  • One-to-one lessons allow much faster progress
  • The child can work at his or her own pace
  • Discipline problems are avoided by home-schooling

Disadvantages of home-schooling

  • Most parents do not have the time to educate their children at home
  • One parent would need to give up work
  • School subjects are normally taught by up to ten different teachers
  • Most parents do not have the necessary knowledge or resources
  • Private tutors are expensive
  • Children will miss out on the social experience that school offers
  • At school, children learn how to get on with each other
  • Home-schooled children may lack social skills
  • Schools offer a better overall educational experience

Bad behavior in schools: causes

  • Bad behavior is due to a lack of structure and discipline
  • There are too many children in some classes
  • Large classes are difficult to manage
  • May disruptive students come from an unstable family background
  • Other parents are too lenient and spoil their children
  • Some children are used to getting whatever they want
  • Schools can do very little if they are not supported by parents

Bad behavior in schools: solutions

  • Schools need a clear code of conduct
  • Schools need a clear set of rules about behavior
  • They need to create a positive working atmosphere
  • Teachers must have the power to punish disruptive students
  • Schools should remove difficult children from lessons
  • Schools need to work closely with parents
  • Discipline could be lacking at home
  • Parents must support the school rules
  • They should take responsibility for their children’s behavior

Corporal Punishment: Opinion

  • Corporal Punishment is not a good idea
  • Physical punishment is a way of controlling children using fear
  • This does not promote trust between adults and children
  • Children who are punished physically may become shy or resentful
  • Corporal punishment creates an atmosphere of fear and anger

Single Sex Education: Advantages

  • Some people believe that male and female students should go to separate schools
  • This is often for religious or cultural reasons
  • Discipline problems might be avoided by separating boys and girls
  • Boys and girls may learn in different ways and have different needs
  • Student at single-sex schools often get better exam grades.

Single-sex Education: Disadvantages

  • Separating boys and girls is unnecessary
  • It is unhealthy in terms of children’s social development
  • Many coeducational schools are extremely successful
  • A mixed-sex environment is more representative of real life
  • Coeducational schools provide children with better social skills for adult life

Advantages of Streaming (grouping children according to ability)

  • Some schools separate students according to their academic ability
  • Teachers can work at the right speed for their students
  • Teachers can plan more suitable lessons
  • High-level groups may progress faster
  • Lower level groups can benefits from a slower pace
  • Some teachers and parents support streaming for these reasons

Disadvantages of Streaming

  • Grouping by ability may have a negative impact on students
  • Children do not want to be seen as less intelligent than others
  • Streaming could damage students’ self esteem
  • They may lose motivation
  • Students from wealthier families tend to be better prepared
  • Children from poorer families may receive less support from parents
  • Mixed ability classes encourage everyone to achieve their potential.


  • 教育给人以知识和技能
  • 拥有学历的人更有可能找到工作
  • 他们能赚到更多的钱
  • 他们能对社会产生积极的贡献
  • 学校旨在教授青年人道德观如忍耐和分享
  • 学校为孩子成为社会一员做好准备


  • 国外机构或许能提供更好的课程
  • 许多学生想上有声望的大学
  • 最好的大学雇佣那些在他们领域是专家的老师
  • 获得国外学历能打开更好工作机会的门
  • 生活在国外能拓宽学生的视野
  • 海外学生接触到不同的文化和风俗
  • 他们变得更加独立
  • 他们负责烹饪、打扫和付账
  • 他们会学会一门外语


  • 在国外生活和学习可能会困难
  • 学生可能在文书工作方面有困难比如签证申请
  • 语言障碍会是个问题
  • 学生必须找住宿并且付账
  • 学习一门外语非常有挑战性
  • 独自生活在陌生文化中会造成思乡


  • 技术是一个让学生参与进来的很有力量的工具
  • 技术可以使得课程更加有趣
  • 学生可以使用网络资源做研究
  • 学生可以在他们自己的地方学习
  • 成人可以参加远程课程
  • 如果想,学生可以在任何时候任何地方学习
  • 学生还可以学到对他们未来工作有用的技能
  • 比如,他们学习使用文字处理器写报告


  • 人们太过依赖电脑
  • 年轻学习者在一些基本技能方面不会变得精通熟练+如写字
  • 他们使用文字处理器,他们的拼写能力会受到影响
  • 人们应该能够用手写信
  • 技术不是真实老师的替代
  • 学习者需要一个结构化的课程
  • 一个有经验的老师知道选择什么样的材料
  • 计算机维护成本高以及不太稳定
  • +会使学习分心


  • 机构应该使用技术来补充传统教育
  • 技术是每天生活的一部分
  • 它可以增加教师的课程
  • 学生可以使用网络资源辅助他们的家庭作业
  • 学生必须仍学会手写
  • 他们应该继续使用传统信息资源如书籍


  • 孩子们经常不得不在一个很早的年龄就去工作
  • 在很多区域没有学校
  • 家庭没有办法获取书籍和电脑
  • 文化率通常很低
  • 在发展中国家的人们需要知识和技能
  • 教育是提高这些国家的关键


  • 发达国家可以通过提供金钱帮助发展中国家
  • 他们可以在学校和技术上投资
  • 他们可以提供资金以建立学校和付给老师薪水
  • 孩子们需要接近免费学校
  • 计算机设备可以被捐赠
  • 网络可以使得孩子们接触到知识和信息的世界
  • 政府应该使得所有的孩子们教育义务
  • 他们应该鼓励父母将他们的孩子送到学校
  • 发达国家和发展中国家的政府必须通力合作


  • 上大学有很多好处
  • 一个学位可以打开更好职业前景的大门
  • 经济正变得越来越以知识型的
  • 大多数工作要求特殊的知识和技能
  • 在信息技术和工程这样的部分技能员工被需要
  • 重复性的手工(体力)工作正在被机器完成
  • 许多工厂已经搬迁至发展中国家


  • 一个健康的经济需要一系列的员工
  • 一些手工员工将始终被需要
  • 对于一些服务型行业来说,一份大学学历不是必要的
  • 实践训练在一些行业更加重要
  • 在英国,比如,水管工现在很是短缺
  • 他们的服务于是变得越来越昂贵


  • 一些父母决定在家教育他们的孩子
  • 一些家庭住在偏远的地区,那儿有着很差的交通
  • 其它父母则不满意当地的学校
  • 父母可以响应他们孩子的需要和怎样他们学的最好
  • 一对一课程允许更快的进步
  • 孩子可以按照他自己的速度来
  • 家庭教育避免了纪律问题
  • +他们的孩子可以免受在学校可能遭遇的欺凌(bullying)
  • +他们有更多的时间和孩子待在一起,知道孩子们在想什么,减缓代沟


  • 大多数父母没有时间在家教育他们的孩子
  • 父母之一需要放弃工作
  • 学校课程通常由近十位不同老师执教
  • 大多数父母没有必要的知识和资源
  • 私人老师通常很贵
  • 孩子们将得不到学校提供的社交经历
  • 在学校,孩子们学习如何与他人相处
  • 家庭教育的孩子或许缺乏社交技能
  • 学校提供一个更好的全面的教育经历


  • 不好的行为通常由缺乏结构和纪律导致
  • 在一些班级有着太多的孩子
  • 大的班级通常更加难以管理
  • 很多扰乱性的孩子来自一个不稳定的家庭背景
  • 其它父母太多宽恕并宠坏了他们的孩子
  • 一些孩子已经习惯得到任何他们想得到的
  • 如果学校得不到家长的支持,学校能做的事很少


  • 学校需要一套明确的行为准则
  • 学校需要一套明确的行为准则
  • 他们需要营造一种积极的工作氛围
  • 教师必须拥有权力惩罚那些扰乱性的孩子
  • 学校应该从课堂上移除那些难以管教的孩子
  • 学校和家长应该密切合作
  • 在家里纪律可能是缺乏的
  • 父母应该支持学校的规则
  • 他们应该对他们孩子的行为负有责任


  • 体罚不是一个很好的主意
  • 身体惩罚是一种使用恐惧来控制孩子们的做法
  • 这样的规则不会促进教师和孩子们间的信任
  • 那些被体罚过的孩子们可能变得害羞或愤恨
  • 体罚会营造一种恐惧和生气的氛围
  • +Alternative measures+体罚不一定会奏效


  • 一些人认为男女学生应该前往不同的学校
  • 这通常是由于宗教或文化的原因
  • 通过将男孩和女孩分开,纪律问题可能得到解决
  • 男孩和女孩用不同方式学习及有不同的需求
  • 那些在单一性别学校的学生通常取得更好的考试成绩


  • 将男孩女孩分开是不必要的
  • 就孩子们的社交发展而言是不健康的
  • 许多男女合校的学校十分成功
  • 一个混合性别的环境更加能反应真实生活
  • 男女合校的学校提供孩子们能用于成人生活的更好的社交技能


  • 一些学校根据学生的学术能力将他们分开
  • 教师可以按照正确的速度教育学生
  • 教师可以计划更加合适的课程
  • 高水平组或许进步更快
  • 低水平组也能从低速中获益
  • 出于这些原因,一些教师和家长支持分班


  • 根据能力分组的做法可能对学生产生一个消极的影响
  • 孩子们不想被看作不如其它人聪明
  • 分班能伤害孩子们的自尊
  • 他们可能失去动力
  • 来自富裕家庭的孩子更可能准备更好
  • 来自贫穷家庭的孩子可能接受更少的来自父母的支持
  • 混合能力班级估计每一个人实现他们的潜力

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)