4. Crime

Police and Crime Prevention

  • The job of the polices is to catch criminals
  • They must also prevent crime and make communities safer
  • There should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streets
  • Police officers should be seen as part of the community
  • They should be involved with education and prevention
  • The police should be in close contact with schools
  • They should focus on young people who have dropped out of school.
  • These teenagers may become involved with gangs


  • Fines are used as punishment for minor crimes
  • If the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishment
  • Some criminals pose a threat to society
  • They are put in prison to ensure the safety of other citizens

Negatives of Prisons

  • Criminals are put together
  • They make friends with other offenders
  • Many prisoners re-offend when they are released
  • A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult


  • Another aim of prisons is rehabilitation
  • Prisoners receive education of vocational training
  • Prisoners should learn personal skills and specific job skills
  • Punishment could make prisoners’ behavior worse
  • Rehabilitation aims to make them better citizens
  • Rehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offend

Capital punishment

  • Supporters say that capital punishment deters crime
  • Fear of the death penalty stops people from committing offences
  • The death penalty shows that crime is not tolerated
  • It is a form of revenge
  • The cost of imprisonment is avoided
  • The offender cannot pose a threat to others

Against Capital Punishment

  • Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed
  • Crime rates are not necessarily reduced
  • Many criminals do not think they will be caught
  • Capital punishment is not a good deterrent
  • Executing prisoners creates a violent culture and encourages revenge
  • We have no right to take another human life

Community service

  • Community service is a way to reform offenders
  • It could be a solution to prison overcrowding
  • It avoids the cost of imprisonment
  • It makes offenders useful in their local communities
  • They are required to clean streets or talk to school groups
  • Offenders repay their community
  • They avoid the negative influence that prison can have

Against community service

  • Community service is not a sufficient punishment
  • Criminals should be locked up, away from their victims

Crime in the Media

  • Crime is one of the main subjects of most news programs.
  • The mass media focus on violent and sensational crimes
  • This lead to fear of crime among the public
  • Sensational stories attract more viewers or readers
  • The media report crime stories in order to increase their audience


  • 警察的工作是抓罪犯
  • 他们也必须阻止犯罪和保证社区安全
  • 街上的警察数量应该有增加
  • 警察官员应该被看作是社区的一部分
  • 他们应该参与到教育和预防
  • 警察应该和学校保持密切联系
  • 他们应该关注那些辍学的年轻人
  • 这些青少年或许会卷进枪击


  • 罚款被用作惩罚以减少犯罪
  • 如果犯罪很严重,监狱就是最常见的惩罚
  • 一些罪犯对社会产生威胁
  • 他们被关在监狱里以确保其它城市居民的安全


  • 罪犯被关押在一起
  • 他们和其它罪犯交朋友
  • 许多罪犯在获取释放后再次犯罪
  • 一个犯罪的记录会使得找工作变得更困难


  • 监狱的另一个目的是改造
  • 罪犯接受职业训练的教育
  • 罪犯需要学习人际能力和特殊的工作技能
  • 惩罚能使罪犯表现更差
  • 改造旨在使他们成为更好的城市居民
  • 被改造的罪犯不太可能再次犯罪


  • 支持者说死刑惩罚阻止犯罪
  • 对死刑惩罚的害怕阻止人们犯罪
  • 死刑惩罚指示罪过不可被容忍
  • 这是一种形式的报复
  • 关押的成本被省去
  • 罪犯不能对他人造成威胁


  • 无辜的人可能被错误地定罪和处决
  • 犯罪率并不一定会减少
  • 许多罪犯不认为他们会被抓住
  • 死刑不是一个很好的威慑
  • 处决罪犯营造了一种暴力文化和鼓励报复
  • 我们没有权利夺取他人的生命
  • +还有其他更好的办法来减少犯罪


  • 社区服务是一种改造罪犯的方式
  • 它可以是减少监狱拥挤的一种方法
  • 它避免了监狱的成本
  • 它使得罪犯在他们的当地社区有用
  • 他们被要求去清扫大街或者和学校小组聊天
  • 罪犯偿还他们的社区
  • 它们避免了监狱可能存在的消极影响


  • 社区服务不是一种充分的惩罚
  • 罪犯应该被关押起来,远离他们的受害者
  • +社区服务风险大,re-offend


  • 犯罪是绝大多数新闻节目的主要话题
  • 大众媒体关注暴力和耸人听闻的犯罪
  • 这导致公众对犯罪的恐慌
  • 耸人听闻的故事吸引更多的观众和读者
  • 媒体报道犯罪故事以增加他们的读者

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (45a7239)