2. Animal rights

Arguments for Animal testing

  • Animals are used in important scientific research
  • It is necessary to do medical tests on new drugs
  • Animal testing helps to advance medical and scientific knowledge
  • Many important medical discoveries involved experimentation on animals
  • Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience
  • Testing for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many countrie

Arguments against Animal Testing

  • The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused
  • There are alternative methods of research
  • The lives of animals should be respected
  • Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals

Arguments for Vegetarianism

  • Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals
  • Many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasons
  • A healthy diet is possible without eating meat
  • It is unnecessary to kill animal for food
  • A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer
  • Many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms

Arguments against Vegetarianism

  • Vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet
  • In many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals
  • Meat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chain
  • It is completely natural for us to kill them for food
  • Our aim should be improve farming methods
  • Farms should produce organic food

Positives of Zoos

  • Zoos paly an important role in wildlife conservation
  • They can help to protect endangered species
  • Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior
  • Zoos are educational, interesting and fun
  • Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals
  • Zoos provide job opportunities.

Negatives of Zoos

  • Zoo animals are kept in artificial environments
  • They are kept in cages or have limited space
  • Zoo animals rely on humans
  • They lose the freedom to hunt for food
  • They best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats.
  • Some people believe that zoos are unethical
  • Zoos exhibits animals with the aim of making money
  • We have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit.


  • 动物被用于重要的科学研究
  • 对新药的医学试验是必要的
  • 动物试验帮助促进医学和科学研究
  • 很多重要的医学试验涉及到在动物上的试验
  • 科研工作者旨在最小化动物经历的遭难
  • 化妆行业的测试目前在很多国家已经被禁止


  • 使用动物对研究的好处并不能证明其造成的遭难是合理的
  • 有可替换的科研方法
  • 动物的生命应该被尊敬
  • 人类没有道德权去在动物身上做试验


  • 素质主义者不吃杀死动物得到的食物
  • 许多人选择素食主义的日常饮食是出于道德和健康的原因
  • 不吃肉也可能有一个健康的日常饮食
  • 杀死动物获取食物是没有必要的
  • 一个素食主义的日常饮食或许会减少像癌症这样疾病的风险
  • 许多人质疑工厂化工厂的动物得到的对待


  • 素食主义者没有吃一个平衡的日常饮食
  • 在许多文化里,肉是传统餐的主要原料
  • 肉食者争论说在食物链中动物是在人类之下的
  • 杀死它们获取食物对我们而言十分自然
  • 我们的目标应该是提高耕作方法
  • 农田应该生产有机食品


  • 动物园在野生生物保护方面发挥一个重要的作用
  • 它们可以帮助保护濒危物种
  • 动物园允许科学家研究动物及其它们的行为
  • 动物园可以是有教育意义的、有趣的和好玩的
  • 特别是孩子,喜欢学习有关动物


  • 动物园的动物被关在人工环境里
  • 它们被关在笼子里或者只有有限的空间
  • 动物园的动物依赖人类
  • 它们丧失的捕获食物的自由
  • 最好的保护濒危物种的方法是保护自然栖息地
  • 一些人认为动物园是不道德的
  • 动物园为了赚钱而展览动物
  • 我们没有权利为了娱乐和利益而使用动物

Last modified August 18, 2022: fix (7561da6)