
Section 3 Remind me, Trevor… how long is the presentation?

Dr White said three per hour.

So about twenty minutes?

Well… it’ll be fifteen minutes per presentation.

And five minutes for questions?

And is this one going be assessed.

No… not this time around, because it’s first one, you know.

Good news.

Well, Trevor, what are we going to include?

Well, Do you think we ought to give some historical background?

Oh, no… definitely not… we won’t have time.

OK, but I think we ought to say something about Geographical location… because not of the people know where the island are.

Yes… Ok… I’ll take notes, shall I?

Yeah… that will be a help…

So Geographical… location…

Then we ought to give an overview of the whole education system.

Shouldn’t we say something about the economy? you know agriculture produce… minerals and so forth.

Well… Dr White said that we shouldn’t go into that sort of detail.

But it’s pretty important when you think about it… you know, because it does influence the education system.

Look… let’s think about that one later shall we… let’s see how we are doing for time…

OK… so… . general overview of education Of course… And then the role of English Language?

Nope, that goes in the Language Policy Seminar, don’t you remember?

Are you sure? Positive!

All right… so those are the topics we’re going to be… to be covering…

We need to think about what to prepare…

Dr. White said he wanted us to use plenty of visuals and things and we might as well try them out when we are not being assessed…

Well the most important thing is the overhead project.

No problem. . . we’ll get them from the media room. . . must remember to book it.

Well… we’ll need a map of course.

Probably two… . One of the islands… large scale… .

And one of the West Africa.

Well, the West Africa one is no problem. . . there’s one in the resource room.

Oh yeah, of course, the resources room; The islands are going to be more of problem.

Tell you what… there is a very clear map of Santiago in that tourist brochure I showed you last week. Don’t you remember it?

Oh yeah… that’s right. We can just use the tourist brochure.

We also need statistics… on several different things.

Literacy rates.

Yes, and school places.

How about the encyclopaedia?

Nah… not up-to-date enough.

Mmm. . . Why don’t we call the embassy?

Oh… someone’s enthusiastic!

Well… if something’s worth doing.

I know it’s worth doing well… Ok.

We can find out statistics on school places from them as well.

Umm, might as well.

Look Julie, it’s almost time for our tutorials…

We can meet again on Monday. but we need to prepare some stuff before then…

Last modified January 22, 2023: fix (94982cb)