
Section 3

You’ll hear a man inquiring about college courses. First, you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25.

Now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25.

Hi, can I help you?

I was told to come here, because I’d like to talk to someone about taking a management course.

Right, I’m one of the tutors, so I should be able to help you. -Oh, good. My name is Brian Ardley, I’ve decided to enroll on a part-time management course.

A friend of mine took one last year and recommended it to me. -Right.

Is there anything I should do before the course, like reading or anything?

We prefer to integrate reading with the course, so we don’t give out a reading list in advance.

But we like people to write a case study, describing an organisation they know.

I’ve ready done that, as my friends told me you wanted one.

But would it be possible to sit in on a teaching session, to see what it’s like?

I haven’t been a student for quite a while.

Fine, just let me know which date, and I’ll arrange it with the tutor.

Now could I ask you about the college facilities, please?

Anything in particular?

Well, the course is one day a week, all days, isn’t it? so presumably it’s possible to buy food?

Yes, the refectory’s open all day.

Does it cater for special diets? I have some food allergies.

Provided you warn the refectory in advance, it won’t be problem.

Good, what about facilities for young children?

I would like to bring my daughter here while I’m studying.

How old is she? -Three.

Then she is eligible to join the Nursery, which is supervised by qualified Nursery Nurse.

The waiting list for a place is quite long though, so you ought to apply now. -OK.

I don’t know if our career advice service would be of any interest to you?

Yes, it might help me to decide how to develop my career after the course.

The centre has a lot of reference materials and staff qualified to give guidance on a one-to-one basis.

I’ve noticed a fitness centre next to the college, Is that for students?

It’s open to everyone, but students pay an annual fee that’s much less than the general public pay.

And presumably the college library stocks newspapers and journals as well as books?

Yes, and there’s also an audio-visual room for viewing and listening to videos, cassettes and so on.

Is there also access computers?

Yes, your tutor will need to arrange with the technical support team for you to get password, so ask him or her about it when you start the course. -OK.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 26 to 30.

Now listen and answer questions 26 to 30.

By the way, do you know about our Business Center?

No, what’s that?

It’s a training resource, a collection of materials for people studying on their own, or use in their own organisations.

Uhuh, you mean books and videos?

Yes, and manual for self-study.

Plus a lot of computer base materials so people can work through them at their own speeds, and repeat anything they aren’t sure about.

And you can hire laptops to use in your own home or workplace as well as printers that you can take away.

Does it have anything that I could use to improve my study skills?

I don’t have much idea about report writing, and I’m sure I’ll need it on the course.

Oh yes, there are plenty of useful materials just ask one of the staff.

Does the center cover all of the main areas of business? -Yes, topics like finance, and of course marketing - that’s a popular one.

Local manager seems to queue up to borrow the videos.

So it isn’t just for students, then?

No, it’s for members only, but anyone can join.

How much does they cost?

£100 a year for a company and £50 for an individual, with no discount for students, I’m afraid.

That’s very helpful. Well, I think that’s all. I’d better go home and fill in the enrollment form.

Thanks for your help. -You are welcome. Goodbye. -Goodbye.

That is the end of section 3. You now have half of a minute to check your answers. Now turn to section 4.

Last modified January 22, 2023: fix (ffe4481)